1, Request for Proposal to Pulliam for more brick work on NE corner of the Sunday
    School Building.
    An RFP go out to Pulliam to repair the SW corner of the Sunday School Building due to the
    hole in the roof.
    1/7/20 A quote has not yet been received. Bill will call Pulliam to expedite.
    2/5/20 Status Quo
    3/3/20 Status quo until roof is repaired.
    5/5/20 Status quo
    7/7/20 TABLED until roof repairs are made.
    12/1/20 Roof repairs have been completed but tuck pointing will require warmer weather
    before work can be done.
    2/2/21 TABLED
    2. Concrete repairs in alley alongside building
    8/4/20 Refer to Item 16 as water in leaking into Miss Mary’s room is believed to be due to
    the concrete sloping towards the wall.
    9/1/20 See Item 13.
    10/6/20 Elaine received a bid of $1,950 from MDS Custom Concrete for work in the alley to
    direct water away from the building.
    12/1/20 Status quo
    2/2/21 No other quotes have been received but Bill Moss expressed an interest and has
    taken photos of the area. TABLED
    4/6/21 The city milled the asphalt but made the situation worse. Bill Moss will donate the
    labor and is waiting to see if Lou Marcy will donate 1 yard of concrete.
    TABLED until roof repairs are done so debris would not damage the area.
    3. Water fountain doesn’t work
    This closed at the last meeting as the bubbler was to be ordered. However, it will cost $150
    plus labor. A new fountain can be purchased for $225 at Menards. No money will be spent
    until Covid-19 restrictions are lifted at which time it will be evaluated.
    5/4/21 CDC current rules do not require that fountains be disabled. The price of $225 in
    previous minutes is not correct. David will investigate current pricing.
    6/1/21 Status Quo
    4. Leak in library entrance
    2/2/21 David and Don will be on the roof on 2/13 to inspect.
    4/6/21 A quote from Capital City Home Improvement has been received for $1,385
    5/4/21 The contract for $1,385 was signed by David and repairs in the Narthex and Library
    are covered in this contract.
    6/1/21 Materials have been received and roofing work to begin 6/2.
    5. Leaks in Sunday School Building
    2/2/21 These is evidence of multiple leaks on the top floor. Some of the damage may be
    from previous leaks that have been repaired. David and Don will be on the roof on 2/13 to
    inspect. Pastor John will investigate PILP which is a loan from the Presbytery for use on
    building needs.
    4/6/21 Capital City Home Improvement has submitted a quote of $28,520 to replace the
    entire roof on the Sunday School building and $2,345 to replace the tile cap. After
    discussion, it was MSA for Don Pease to request a contract on the quotes and they will be
    reviewed at the next meeting. A representative may be requested to attend the meeting to
  • answer any questions or concerns. A budget estimate to remove the Sunday School building
    ranged from $124,000 to $146,000 and will not be considered at this time. Remodel and
    update the two (2) bathrooms in the building estimated to range from $35,000 to $42,000
    and is not to be considered at this time.
    5/4/21 The contract for $28,520 for replacement of the roof and a contract for $2,345 to
    replace the cap were signed by David. For Item 4 and 5, a check will be issued for $12,900
    to order materials (40% of total $32,250) with the balance of $19,350 due upon completion.
    Don will get a lien release from the contractor that protects TPC from being held liable for
    the contractor’s failure to pay bills.
    6/1/21 Materials have been received and roofing work to begin 6/2.
    6. North entrance of west parking lot
    4/6/2021 Water accumulates there and the city has been notified and agreed to make repairs.
    5/4/21 The city was contacted again and they reportedly did not know what was needed to
    be done. It was discussed that they would change the grade and add a ditch that will send
    water to the drain.
    6/1/21 Status Quo
    7. Annual Lift Inspection
    5/4/21 Tom will contact Personal Mobility to set up a date with the State Inspector.
    6/1/21 The lift passed inspection on 5/19/21. ITEM CLOSED
    8. Organ Power Supply
    5/4/21 There are times when the organ will not turn on without multiple attempts. Allen
    Beuining, Allen Organ repair man, has ruled out the on/off switch as the problem. The
    power supply is the cause. It was MSA for him to run diagnostics at a cost of $300 and he
    will check and repair any soldering breaks he finds and will test the capacitors. If problem
    not found, the power supply would have to be replaced for $1,000 and he would apply a
    portion of the $300 for the install. Pastor noticed dust in the organ and should be thoroughly
    6/1/21 Allen Beuining tested the joints and found some loose and fixed. The capacitors
    tested OK. However, Helen reported that it took her 7 times to switch the power off and on.
    Replacing the power supply may be the only permanent fix.
    9. Sanctuary spotlights
    5/4/21 One half of the 500w lights are out and had not been in service very long. These
    bulbs are no longer manufactured. Don will get quotes for LED replacements. The 300w
    lights for the choir are still working.
    6/1/21 Ryan Electric and C & D were here and determined there is no easy or inexpensive
    way to merely replace the lights with LED because of the dimmer system. Don and Pastor
    will meet with Mansfield, who originally installed the lights, quoted $33,832 to replace the
    fixtures but will explore any less expensive alternatives.
    10. Sanctuary AC
    5/4/21 There are 2 compressors in the unit so that both are on when initially turned on and
    the other kicks out after initial cooling. The primary compressor immediately trips the
    circuit breaker when signaled to come on. Heartland is pursuing a replacement compressor
    and see if Trane would rebuild ours.
  • 6/1/21 Two quotes have been received from Henson Robinson for $54,545 and Pruitt for
    $68,670. M & B and Air King no quoted. Trustees will meet after church on 6/6 to
    determine how to proceed.
    11. Building Repair/Replacement Needs
    5/4/21 Pastor presented a spread sheet detailing actual and potential expenditures needed in
    the near future totaling $65,610.30. These would be paid from the building fund that would
    require funds from the CD and Cash & Sweep investmants. After discussion, it was agreed
    that he can proceed with putting together a fund raiser campaign to replace the costs of the
    6/1/21 Pastor John provided an updated chart but will need to be updated again due to some
    of the recent quotes that have come in. Once again it was agreed that a fund raiser is needed
    to replace all of the unforeseen expenditures.
    Capital City has inspected the roof over the administration building and found 8
    additional areas where the rubber membrane has either come loose, is bubbling, or has
    standing water. They quoted $7,280 to make the repairs. It was MSA to accept the quote.
    They will be paid that amount when they complete the work.
    Christian Women’s Fellowship has requested the use of the Fellowship Hall on July 20
    @ 6:30 for a potluck and speaker. It was MSA to approve this use. ITEM CLOSED
    The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM with the Lord’s Prayer.
    Next Scheduled Meeting August 3, 2021 @ 6:30PM
    Respectfully submitted,
    Tom Turnbull